PBD 30-S Block Food Slicing Machine

PBD-30 S Block food slicing machine is specially designed for cutting block food products with standard section dimensions, especially cheese, cheese types, fats, and similar block food products with less than 1% waste, by obtaining standard slices. (Stick Mozzarella, Matchbox slicers, Prisms, and special forms)

Prism and Stick Cuttings with Pbd 30-S!

PBD 30-S Stick is specially designed to minimize the wastage rate in mozzarella and similar prism cuts. Thanks to the cheese compression apparatus, it ensures that the prisms obtained by aligning the cheese to the cutting area before, during and after cutting, are sliced with 1 g precision.

With PBD 30-S ;

10mm*10mm stick mozzarella weighs between 8-9 g

10-11 g of 10mm-13mm stick mozzarella is obtained. as

PBD-30-S compression apparatus is specially produced in line with the demands of the user. Slicing is also done in matchbox and special prism forms with a waste of less than 1%.

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